

Today, 40% of India's population is below the age of 18 years in which there are more than 2 crore orphans and many other poor and needy children who are homeless or live on streets. These children become a victim of physical as well as mental exploitation and face extreme miseries at such a small age.

India is a home to the largest number of children in the world with over 59 million who have no access to school.
Considering the substance of this issue and empathizing with the sufferings of these unfortunate children, the need of the hour is to introduce an awareness programme which will further instigate the upliftment of the society.

Sangam tries to achieve the above mentioned aim and attempts to bring together the three significant social units namely:

  1. Government;
  2. Voluntary Organizations/Social Workers/Public spirited citizens and;
  3. Donors

Sangam is a social initiative by Mr. Avinash Jain - President, SANGAM.



  • Sangam includes uniting three significant sections that serve the society, namely, the government, the donors, the voluntary organizations/public spirited citizens.
  • The primary rationale behind introducing Sangam is to spread awareness amidst the country regarding child development and welfare.
  • Sangam does not demand anything from you except your Involvement.
  • Anyone can join as a member free of cost and liabilities.
  • Sangam tries to inculcate responsibility in the people towards the betterment of society.


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